
Digital Media

Grow The Reach Of Your Restaurant With Digital Media Marketing

Product Traffic For Eatery

All the requests which a client need to distribute on the Facebook they can do which will consequently produce traffic for eatery and arrive freely be immense.

Increase Sales Results

Cherryberry RMS will also enable to send marketing sms at a nominal cost which would result in increased sales results.

Promote Your Arrangements

Through our call place application eatery can promote their arrangements on each approaching calls just by essentially recording a message and transfer on the framework


Cherryberry RMS also offers free of cost direct smart notifications that would help in advertisement of latest deals and discounts.

Social Media Marketing

Cherryberry RMS is firmly combined with Facebook, which is currently an extremely solid media for the restaurants showcasing. Each Menu which will be included the framework will consequently be distribute on Restaurant’s Facebook page, also every menu thing change will naturally be thought about Facebook. Essentially all the requests which a client need to distribute on the Facebook they can do which will consequently produce traffic for Restaurants and arrive freely be immense with the help of Restaurants Digital Media Marketing, Social Media Marketing or Digital Marketing.

IVR Marketing

Through our call place application eatery can promote their arrangements on each approaching calls just by essentially recording a message and transfer on the framework, also they can begin IVR Marketing effort by recording their voice message for the clients and framework will naturally begin dialing to the clients of the restaurants. Which will be extremely simple and bother free for any restaurant to work.

SMS Marketing

Cherryberry RMS will also enable to sending of marketing SMS at a nominal cost which would result in increased sales results. Doing SMS marketing through Digital Media Marketing tactics proves much cheaper as it is cost-effective to send and receive business texts. Furthermore, SMS marketing is a far less competitive channel as compared to email and social media marketing. Easily send personalized marketing SMS to customers build their loyalty and let them know about rewards and promotions. Figures say that 98% of text messages are opened and read, so it will boost customer engagement.

Smart Phone Notification

Cherryberry RMS also offers free-of-cost direct smart notifications that would help in the advertisement of the latest deals and discounts. With digital media marketing campaigns offering smartphone notifications, send personalized messages to bring people in. This reduces the costs of third-party message delivery services. Furthermore, offer discounts and loyalty rewards for your customers. Sending mobile phone notifications at the right time can become a deciding force for customers.

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